Workshops 2021- 22


A two day workshop on ‘ Capacity Building Programme’ was organised by CBSE in collaboration with Greenway Modern School on 6th & 7th February 2023 for teacher’s training.   A total of 20 schools participated in the workshop.It was a very learn full experience for everyone. The workshop was led by Ms Vandana  Banga.   

Day 1 of Capacity Building Program was on Effective Teaching of Science at the Secondary Level through CBSE.  A day was full of fun, activities, challenges, discussions and learning. 

And on DAY 2 of Capacity Building Program on Effective Teaching of Science at the Secondary Level through CBSE, All the participants presented wonderful low cost science demonstrations, prepared excellent lesson plans and participated enthusiastically in all the discussions to make this workshop memorable for all. 

Thanking CBSE for the opportunity given to Greenway Modern School to host the workshop.




Teachers are the nation builders who create up future warriors. A school also brightens up when there is a synchronization between teachers and students. In order to strengthen this virtuous bond between them a workshop was held on 24th & 25th November 2022. The resource for this training program- Capacity Building Program on Geography was Prof. Praffulit Bisht. The program began with an ice-breaking session as an introduction for all the teachers who came from various schools to attend the workshop. Later they discussed about the troubles they faced in classrooms and sought to put forward solutions to it. The round table session was just as crucial as the debate session wherein they talked about the need for change in the syllabus. Further they had fun filled activities conducted by the Prof. It was an enriching and an enlightening program for all the teachers. Finally each teacher was awarded with certificates.   Click here to view more photographs 




A CBSE capacity building workshop was hosted by Greenway Modern School,  Dilshad Garden on the topic "Happy Classroom" on 19th October 2022. It was conducted by Ms. Vandana  Banga. The workshop was attended by teachers of various schools of Delhi NCR.  The interactive workshop aimed at making the classrooms happy and joyful for the students. According to the resource person, a happy classroom is possible only when the teacher is happy. The teachers were advised to leave all their worries, stress, anxiousness and tensions outside the classroom. The teachers were made to perform certain activities which made them aware of their strengths, weaknesses and skills in handling a difficult situation at workplace.   The workshop also focused on Understanding Emotional Intelligence & behavior analysis, ways to foster happiness in the classrooms and adopting the story telling approach. The resource person talked about pathways to reach happiness like forgiveness, optimism, empathy , rational thoughts, gratitude, etc. According to her, the formula for happiness = Biological/genetic set point + Conditions of life + Factors under voluntary control. She reiterated the strategies for a happy classroom which included adopting certain approaches that encourage students to learn, like experiential method, storytelling, Think-pair-share, and Total Response. Overall, the workshop was fun-filled and enriching session for all. At the end, Principal of the school appreciated the effort of all and thanked everyone for coming and attending the session.     Click here to view more photographs 


As we all know about SDG that *it is a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.*   The SDGs provide worldwide guidance for addressing the global challenges facing the international community. It is about better protecting the natural foundations of life and our planet everywhere and for everyone, and preserving people's opportunities to live in dignity and prosperity across generations.   An 'Awareness session was held on 19th July 2022  * in school premises.  The main agenda of this session was to create consciousness of sustainability among Class IV workers to give their contributions towards SDG. Main highlights of the session were SDG goals, focus on 5 Ps, Importance of SDG and Our contributions.    It was a great accomplishment and a well interacted session.



A  Workshop  was organized in Greenway Modern School for teachers with regard to New Education Policy  on 2nd July 2022 which was taken by Ms Mamta. The presentation emphasized on the core areas of NEP i.e. purpose, policy vision, teachers' role as front-liners etc. The main focus was on how to make the implementation possible.  The workshop was fruitful which gave a deep insight about the New Education Policy.




The times of India in association with CLAT Possible had organized workshops for the students who want to opt for LAW as their career.  A students’ webinar was conducted by Times NIE and Clat-Possible on 23rd April, for the students seeking CLAT and pursuing law as a career. 
After an introductory address by Ms. Prerna Chaddha, Mr. Prakash Vir, and Ms. Malini Menon; the webinar was headed on by Dr. Surabhi Modi Suhai— CEO of Clat-Possible, Ms. Charmaine Ann Lazarus— a Nari Shakti Award winner, and Mr. Abhishek Thakur— an international mooter. 
Each of the speakers were diligent and well-read in this field, and they discussed the points with the students in their full earnestness itself. Their speeches were embellished with real life anecdotes and Power Point Presentations. 
Dr. Sahai gave us an overview of this examination. We were told of the examination patterns and top educational institutions for law. Mr. Thakur gave us an idea to the further career options and scope in law. Ms. Lazarus, who practiced law, gave us a detailed insight to her early years of education and career in law. 
Students could also interact with the speakers through the Q/A - section, where they could get their doubts answered. Contact details and details to Clat-Possible’s demo classes were also shared with the students. 
Overall, it was an informative session eloquent with apt instructors. 



This year’s Pariksha Pe Charcha 2021 was the 4th edition of PPC and was held Virtually on 7th April at 7 pm.  Pariksha Pe Charcha is part of the larger movement - ‘Exam Warriors’ - led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, to create a stress-free atmosphere for youngsters. The Prime Minister urged everyone to put exams in the right perspective, rather than making it a life-and-death situation punctuated by undue stress and pressure. Students and parents along with teachers interacted with PM virtually wherein he explained how to manage time during exams, how to become stress-free, and how to deal with life. He also managed to explain to everyone that exams are just to check the knowledge of students, not to judge their capabilities.   Students learned about the real idea of conducting examinations besides the fact that examinations are not conducted to judge someone. They also got to know that how one should be when the examinations are going on. They learned about stress-free lifestyle even during exam time  The Greenwanians are really thankful to PM for taking the initiative of such a session.



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