Workshops 2020-21


A workshop on E-waste management was organized by the ministry of electronics and information technology of the Government of India’ KARO SAMBHAV’ at Greenway Modern School (Dilshad Garden) on 15.01.2021. Some teachers of the school were given the opportunity to attend the workshop.

The Workshop was not only informative but was an eye-opener for all the teachers. In the workshop, the knowledge about how one can reduce E-waste by recycling was articulated. The teachers were also made aware of the E-waste collection centres. It was a good initiative taken by our government that made everyone realized their duty to work hand in hand with the government.

It was a wonderful experience for the teachers, attending the workshop. It was indeed a worth learning session for all. Click here for more photographs.


An online orientation workshop was organized for teachers on 27th October 2020 by IBM to Reinventing Education & Closing The Skills Gap in STEM Fields by providing Free digital learning on the tech and professional skills. They introduced & explained the opportunities & new education model which they have developed with educators, They also described that the program typically involved advancing a worker’s knowledge and skillsets and instilling greater motivation to enhance job performance. The workshop was very enriching and would be very beneficial for the b. in the future.IBM helps Students to build Skills that they’ll need For Tomorrow's Careers. Click here for more photographs

Webinar on art integration in education

A workshop on “Integration of Artin Education” was conducted by MsSwapna Nair On September 19, 2020.

The training session started with a discussion on the importance of arts It was followed by Bloom's Taxonomy. The presenter shared the importance of art integrated teaching and how it helps to build critical thinking and provides connective learning. She also told about the various forms of art that can be included in various subjects. She also gave many examples of art integration.

Various ways of assessment were also explained by her. She also told about the assessment tools that can be used by the teachers for assessing the work of students

In conclusion, MsSwapna Nair emphasized on the need of art integrated learning for a better understanding of concepts.

The webinar taught us how to switch over from content-based education to competency-based education. Click here more photographs


On 2 June 2020, all the PETs of Greenway Modern School, got a great opportunity to attend a webinar on Changing Role of Sports in School Post COVID. The webinar was conducted by Mr. RaahilDhuva, Mr. Suraj Jairaj, Mrs. Vandana Arora, Ms. Sagarika Bhatia. The agenda of the meeting was a concern that how sports can be made to happen and how students would be motivated to maintain social distancing during Games Periods or the removal of Games Period from the timetable is the only solution or can virtual games take place of physical games? All these queries were answered by the speakers o the session wherein they motivated the teachers to fight against the disease and this difficult period, with the support of parents and school management. Virtual classes can never replace Physical classes as they cannot contribute to the physical and mental fitness of the students. The teachers can move to the skill development of team games or can opt Yoga, Aerobics, Fitness sessions, Freehand exercises in which Social Distancing cab be properly taken care of. The activities that require any type of equipment, must be held with proper safety by keeping two sets of equipment and using one at a time while sanitizing the other before its usage. The session focused on promoting the Indigenous Sports/ Games.

On 31 May 2020, Primary and Secondary Maths teachers of Greenway Modern School, Dilshad Garden, earned a window of opportunity to be a part of a Maths Seminar held online. The webinar was conducted by Mr, Sreehari Kulur, wherein the maths faculties of the school learned about online teaching techniques in Mathematics for primary and secondary level students. The session made the teachers know about the interesting ways of teaching mathematics. Some tricks of Vedic Maths, use of Excel for teaching LCM, etc, tips related to the teaching of Multiplication, how to create tests and quizzes by using Google Forms, applying magic squares, mathematical housie, etc were the highlights of the seminar. Teachers were also given knowledge about a website ‘that quiz’ to use for Mental Maths. The session mainly focussed on ways to deliver online teaching to students. Overall it was a good experience for all the teachers as it enabled them to learn many new techniques to teach the subject.



On 23 May 2020, a training session cum workshop was organized by Microsoft  Teams executives. Amongst all the schools using MS Teams app for virtual teaching to their students, Greenway Modern School, Dilshad Garden was shortlisted by MS Teams people to train their teachers. The two-hour workshop was conducted by Mr. Jatin Vashishth from Juana Technologies who was also the skilled trainer of the session.  The session was very instructive and potent. In the session, the teachers of the school were made acquainted with all the updated features of the app and were introduced to a new hallway to get educated and enlighten themselves in the world of virtual learning. The session made the teachers experience that there lies a new scope of learning and achieving athwart their academic profiles. The teachers were told about a new platform created for teachers by Microsoft that allows every teacher to do multiple courses ahead and strengthen their profiles and be MIEs or MIEEs.  In the last of the session, all the teachers were given a Certificate of Participation acknowledged by Microsoft. It was a worthwhile experience of learning for the teachers.  


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"All I know is just what I read in the papers, and that’s an alibi for my ignorance. ~ Will Rogers "