Our Aim

The school aims to provide a platform to its students to acquire the wealth of knowledge upholding the ethical and moral values.

  • We aim to enable our students to utilize the acquired knowledge, skills, attitude and values for their spiritual, moral and spiritual  development.
  • To develop leadership qualities and team spirit in them
  • To develop the spirit of co-operations, belongingness and service to humanity.
  • To nurture love for environment and wild life.
  • To channelise the inexhaustible energy of the young in the right direction towards creativity and self sufficiency and to fully utilize their inherent talents.
  • Emphasis on 4 I’s (Inquisitiveness, Intelligence, Innovativeness and Inspiration) with equal emphasis in academics and co-curricular activities.


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"All I know is just what I read in the papers, and that’s an alibi for my ignorance. ~ Will Rogers "