Nursery Academics

Greenway Modern School has two classes in Nursery Wing :

  • Pre School (age group 3-4 years) 
  • Pre Primary (age group 4-5 years)

Pre School

In pre school the children are introduced to formal curriculum and here they start with the deep foundation of education. Kids are taught different patterns like standing line, sleeping line, slanting line, forward curve and backward curve. These are all pre writing skills. Kids practice these patterns by doing rainbow writing on the patterns which makes the learning interesting and easy. For each pattern worksheets are provided, there are practice books specifically designed by the greenway faculty which helps in developing their fine motor skills and pre writing skills. This is the class where children learn how to read and write and the formation of alphabets. Phonic drill is done many times in a day which helps in developing their listening and speaking skills. Kids are taught to hold pencils correctly. Each alphabet is taught with the pattern and activity is done accordingly. Art and craft is done according to the curriculum provided emphasis is given on colouring and craft activity is done by the students with teacher’s help. To develop confidence in a child during the morning assembly they are called on stage and are asked to recite rhyme or to speak on a topic already taught. Children enjoy swings and slides during their games period. By the end of the session the kids are clear with the understanding, reading, writing and taking dictations. Now they are aware of capital alphabets A to Z, cursive (small) a to z, numbers 1 to 100 and swar and vyanjan.

Pre Primary

This is the most important class which drills all the basic reading and writing skills in a child. The kids learn how to form words in English and Hindi. Vowels are introduced to form words. Each vowel is taught with phonic sound and the difference between all the vowels and their sounds is taught. Though it is a tough process yet the students start following the sounds and are able to capture the correct phonic sound. Later small sentences are formed and usage of grammar starts. Singular -plural, opposites, gender etc. In Hindi two, three and four letter words are introduced. Later matra’s are taught and slowly and gradually children start writing words and small sentences. Mathematics is taught with the concept of HTO. Children are taught to add and subtract, the concepts of less than, more than, number names are introduced and tables are taught. To develop reasoning and knowledge about the environment we live in EVS is taught. EVS deals with the animals, birds, fruits, flowers, vegetables, festivals, dresses, body parts etc. Art and craft is taught with all practical approaches. Children love drawing and colouring. Activities are done individually by each child. The curriculum of pre primary is designed to develop a child’s personality, intelligence and confidence.

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"All I know is just what I read in the papers, and that’s an alibi for my ignorance. ~ Will Rogers "