Guidelines for Parents

Guidelines for Parents

  1. Parents are requested to go through their ward’s school diary regularly and sign the teachers’ remarks if any. Your signature in the diary would indicate the rules and remarks entered by the school authorities have been noted by you.
  2. Any inquiry regarding the academic progress of the student may be addressed to the class teacher/Principal on all week days with prior appointment. The appointment can be made if you send the same in writing in the diary.
  3. Any inquiry regarding behavior/discipline/attendance of the student must be addressed to the principal from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. by a prior appointment.
  4. PTA meeting should be regularly attended to discuss the performance and progress of the child.
  5. Parents are requested to send their wards in neat and clean uniform and refrain from sending lunch-boxes/note books of their wards during school hours.
  6. Parents should ensure that students suffering from any infectious disease must complete the quarantine period before rejoining school. This should be indicated on the medical certificate duly signed by a competent doctor.
  7. Parents should ensure that their wards do not bring any objectionable books, CD’s, I-pods, magazines, pictures or any other material that may violate the disciplinary norms of the school.
  8. Parents are requested to refrain from giving large amount of cash as pocket money to their children as we wish to inculcate the habit of thrift among children.
  9. Parents are specially requested to notify the school office of any change in their address/telephone numbers/emails.
  10. The facility of internet is required by the students to do their homework and project work. As a parent to a growing child you are required to monitor the usage of this wonderful technology so that he/she does not misuse the internet access.
  11. Please do not give mobile phones to your child. Violation of this will lead to confiscation of the cell phone.
  12. Encourage your ward to take a balanced interest in studies, co-curricular activities and sports.


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"All I know is just what I read in the papers, and that’s an alibi for my ignorance. ~ Will Rogers "