Computer Lab

Computer Lab

In today’s era no one can remain untouched by the world of Computers. So we, at Greenway, have provided the best of Infra-structure and facilities in terms of imparting the best education of computers to our students.

Greenway has recently inaugurated its new well equipped Computer Lab on  9th October 2013 by Ms. Tatiana Perova, Head, Russian Language & Teachers Training Centre, Russian Centre of Science and Culture.

It is well equipped modern Lab with latest innovation and technology being used in imparting computer education to the students.  The lab boasts of network running on windows server 8.0 on the dedicated server that is attached/networked to 32 individual workstations for students. All computers are upgraded with latest versions of Software.  The Lab has a projector that is connected to the server.  With the help of projector and server, the demonstration to a full strength of 60 – 70 students in a class has become a cakewalk.  The Lab is fully air-conditioned and well lit with professional ceiling lighting.   This lab is fun filled, knowledgeable place for senior students of XI and XII Classes.


This lab is used by students’ up to VIII Standard.  It has air-conditioned, well illuminated and colourful furniture keeping in mind the young kids. There are  computers for young kids to have hands on practice on them.


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"All I know is just what I read in the papers, and that’s an alibi for my ignorance. ~ Will Rogers "