Code of Conduct for Students



  1.  All students are advised to reach school ten minutes before the morning bell. It is compulsory for all students to attend the General Assembly in the morning at 8:00 a.m. late comers will not be allowed to enter the school once the gates are closed.
  2. Care must be taken of all school property and no student should scratch, spoil the desks or chairs or damage any school furniture, write or draw any thing on the walls or in any way damage things belonging to other. Students are not expected to fiddle with the apparatus in the labs. Students who are negligent will be charged for the damage.
  3. All students must wear the specified, neat and proper school uniforms.
  4. In terms of class conduct special focus should be given to:
  • Maintaining the class/school decorum all the time.
  • Sitting properly during class teaching and otherwise.
  • Taking care of all property – furniture, fixtures, fittings and switch board etc.
  • Not creating any disturbance during the teaching/learning process.
  • Take appropriate measures to help those in need.
  1. Students are not allowed to bully or intimidate other students, staff or teachers. In case of any problem, they are encouraged to contact the Class Teacher/Academic Incharge and/or Principal for the redressal of complaints, if any.
  2. All students are expected to speak only in English at school and we request the parents to encourage the students to do so at home as well.
  3. All students shall bring the school diary to school every day. Parents are expected to check the diary daily and sign wherever required.
  4. Students should always wear the School ID Card.
  5. No valuable articles and gold jewellery to be worn by the children. School is not responsible for goods, money or jewellery lost.
  6. Bi-cycles must be kept locked and in the space provided. No other vehicle is allowed in the school.
  7. All cases relating to discipline will be handled by the discipline committee and forwarded to Principal/Academic Incharge for necessary action.
  8. Disciplinary action will be taken against students found using unfair means during examinations which may result in expulsion from the school. The following practices are strictly forbidden:-
  • Use of Drugs/intoxicants
  • Smoking/Hookah
  • Crackers
  • Carrying arms/sharp instruments
  • Spitting/throwing litter
  • Indecent/rude behavior
  • Disfiguring/damaging school property
    Students will be fined Rs. 2000/- and one week suspension from school in case of use of mobile, drag, hookah or any such objectionable items.
  1. Strict action would be taken against students who are found bunking the school or any class. All students must reach their classes within five minutes of the ringing of the bell.


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"Faith is spiritualized imagination. ~ Henry Ward Beecher "