Class XI-Online Survey

ISA Oct & Nov class XI
ISA Oct & Nov class XI
ISA Oct & Nov class XI
ISA Oct & Nov class XI
ISA Oct & Nov class XI
ISA Oct & Nov class XI


Water pollution is a major eco  problem in the  present scenario.Keeping this in mind XI class students carried out an activity on 'River Pollution' as a part of ISA activity. It was a collaborative project. A school in Russia , referred as school no.3 in Ivanteekav was our counter part.Following steps were taken to conduct this activity.

A. Initially we introduced the topic to XI class children through interactive session .
B. Five countries namely India , Russia ,China ,Egypt and UK were chosen along with two rivers from each country. 
C. Children carried out an online research to study the following facts. 
i . State of pollution
ii . Cause of pollution
iii. Preventive measures taken by government
iv. Probable solution
D. In order to exchange our views related to the river pollution we had a SKYPE session with school no.3 in Russia.
E. We conducted few activities to raise general awareness.
 I . Assembly programe based on river pollution. 
ii . Quiz
At the end of this activity ,we found that :
I. Children take 'river pollution' issue seriously
ii . They started taking active part to resolve the problem by volunteering in river side places during idol immersion.
iii . Children participated in general awareness programe regarding river pollution in the neighborhood,
iv. Universal relevance of rivers and how the future citizens of the world have to come together to save these resources was conveyed through this activity and we got an opportunity to share with our concerns on a global platform.
Discussion on online survey and skype session

Quiz on online survey 

Skype session on online survey with partner school

Skype session on online survey with partner school

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