Class XI- PPT on Financial Practices

PPT on Financial Practices
PPT on Financial Practices
PPT on Financial Practices
PPT on Financial Practices
PPT on Financial Practices
PPT on Financial Practices
PPT on Financial Practices
PPT on Financial Practices
PPT on Financial Practices
PPT on Financial Practices


 PowerPoint Presentation on Accounting Standards, Collage on relevance of e-banking, plastic money and digital wallets

A very interesting and meaningful session was conducted for the students of class XI as a part of their ISA Activity under the project titled "MONEY MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND”. The aim of the activity was to make students aware of various accounting standards that are internationally practised and how they differ from each other. The activity focused on various forms of plastic money and digital wallets that have brought a revolution in the global financial system, emphasising on digitalisation. It also involved the role of e banking and how it transformed the earlier manual banking system.

Students did a thorough research on countries like Russia, Australia, Britain, Nigeria and North Korea  and collected relevant information. They prepared power point presentations on IFRS  and made collages on relevance of ebanking , digital wallets and plastic money in the above countries. 

Students put forth their ideas and thoughts regarding use of infomation technology for bringing better financial system in world. They were able to understand the positive aspects of technology in making monetary transactions faster and safer. Students also learnt how the workings of these countries are inter related and brings about uniformity in global financial system. 

This activity broadened their perception, gave them exposure, enhanced the confidence of the students on public speaking, presentation skills and critical thinking skills. Not only this , the activity developed the students interest in economy matters , e banking and financial system and brought out their latent skills of researching and analysing. Overall both teachers and students benefited from this activity.

Discussion on digital wallets and plastic money in different countries

Discussion on IFRS in different countries

Discussion on e-banking in different countries

Activity on digital wallets and plastic money in different countries

Preparation of PPTs on IFRS in different countries

Questionnaire on IFRS, E-banking, digital wallets and plastic money 

Questionnaire on IFRS, E-banking, digital wallets and plastic money 



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"All I know is just what I read in the papers, and that’s an alibi for my ignorance. ~ Will Rogers "