Class XI- Effects of Demonetisation

Effects on Demonetisation
Effects on Demonetisation
Effects on Demonetisation
Effects on Demonetisation
Effects on Demonetisation
Effects on Demonetisation
Effects on Demonetisation
Effects on Demonetisation



An activity titled ‘Studying the effects of Demonitisation’ in different countries through a Skype session was conducted in class XI during the months of November and December. This activity was the part of the project “ Money Makes The World Go Round”. The countries researched were Nigeria, North Korea, Australia, Britain and Russia. The five sections of class XI were involved in the activity. Research work of  one each was assigned to different sections. The research involved the history, reasons, effects of Demonitisation, changes and how could it have been better in different countries.

The partner Russian School was also made to research for the same countries. In the month of December, after completion of Research Work, a Skype session was conducted to analyse the comparative study of the impact of Demonitisation. The activity enabled the students to learn about the global economic factors. It widened their arena of the thoughts from national to international.

Discussion on Demonetization in different countries

Skype Session with Partner school on Demonetization in different countries

Skype Session with Partner school on Demonetization in different countries

Skype Session with Partner school on Demonetization in different countries

Skype Session with Partner school on Demonetization in different countries

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