Class V- Rashtra Gaan Chitra Mala

Rashtra Gaan Chitra Mala
Rashtra Gaan Chitra Mala
Rashtra Gaan Chitra Mala
Rashtra Gaan Chitra Mala
Rashtra Gaan Chitra Mala
Rashtra Gaan Chitra Mala
Rashtra Gaan Chitra Mala
Rashtra Gana Chitra Mala
The students of class fifth were prompted and guided to participate in subscribing ' Rashtra Gan Chitr varnan  mala ' under the ISA project ' National Anthem' conducted in the month of November and December .
The pupils were taught the importance of national Anthem and their crucial role in fostering the spirit of patriotism in the people .
The students were told about the national anthems of India, Canada, America,U.K and Australia. They were guided to translate these Anthems into Hindi .Then they were engaged to replace the words of these anthems into pictures . It was observed that the students enjoyed the cut and paste work and they also learnt the importance of National Anthem in creating  national esteem and identity .It also fostered awareness about different countries around the world and the way they are represented by their national anthem . 
Discussion on Rashtra Gaan Chitra Mala
File on Rashtra Gaan Chitra Mala
File on Rashtra Gaan Chitra Mala
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"All I know is just what I read in the papers, and that’s an alibi for my ignorance. ~ Will Rogers "