Class IX- Wall Magazine

Wall Magazine
Wall Magazine
Wall Magazine
Wall Magazine
Wall Magazine
Wall Magazine
Wall Magazine


Wall Magazine Competition On National Anthem

‘National Anthem exists in its form and meaning as long as unconditional respect is there for the same otherwise there is no meaning to have any Anthem itself.’

And ISA activity was conducted with the students of class IX from 1st of November to 20th of December . This activity aimed at better understanding of the National Anthem of different countries. The students understood the role and importance of National Anthem for the citizen.

The students peeped into the national anthems of the following countries :



United States of America

United Kingdom


The students got acquainted with the meaning and writers of the National Anthems of the various countries mentioned above, their life, history of the Anthem, message conveyed, time taken to sing each national anthem and the symbols associated with them.

This activity was also an amalgamation of creativity and knowledge wherein the students took part in the ‘Wall Magazine Competition’ based on the National Anthems of the countries alloted to them and a ‘Questionnaire’ was conducted where students answered some questions on the basis of the information collected by them through various sources.

In a nutshell, a panorama of interesting and knowledge filled activities to facilitate the effective global learning and participation of maximum number of students was organised .

Discussion on wall magazine

Activity on wall magazine

Activity on wall magazine

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"Faith is spiritualized imagination. ~ Henry Ward Beecher "