Class IV- Photo Album

Photo Album
Photo Album
Photo Album
Photo Album
Photo Album
Photo Album
Photo Album



An ISA group activity was organized for the class IV students in the month of November to make the children aware of the value of a national anthem, and to know about the national anthems of the other countries ,their writers time period and other relevant details to give a global outlook to our students.

An open ended discussion was held in every section of the class by their class teacher. The students were given information about the national anthems of the study countries. The classes were divided into five groups and were allotted a country each i.e India, UK, Australia, Canada and US .For research on given country’s anthems.

An album making activity was conducted. Each group had to make an album of the allotted country with all the details pictures and information about their respective countries in a decorative way.

Students were given a questionnaire which they attempted in class. They answer the question very well.

By this activity the creative knowledge of the students was transcended in their artistic albums. Their imaginative kills were revamped and their observing and listening skills elevated. This activity was a source of information, motivation and revelation for the students and the teacher.

Discussion on Photo Album

Photo Album on National Anthem

Photo Album on National Anthem


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"All I know is just what I read in the papers, and that’s an alibi for my ignorance. ~ Will Rogers "