Class - IX & X - Preparing Book Covers


Collecting And Compiling Information About Famous Writers Preparing Book Covers and Presentation

‘A true connoisseur of literature would always like to explore, exhibit, revel, question, critic, discuss to get the aesthetic essence of any writer’s works.’

 In collaboration with the British Council ,an activity was conducted with the students of classes IX and X on 19th and 20th of July respectively .This activity provided them the platform to showcase their literary talents like oratory skills or written skills. It not only helped in enhancing the confidence of the students but also instilled the qualities of good public speaking, pronunciation and improved vocabulary.

 The students peeped into the life, work and achievements of some of the famous authors like –

          Roald Dahl                                                        -England

          Leo Tolstoy and Anton Chekhov                       -Russia

          Oscar Wilde                                                      -Ireland

          Guy de Maupassant                                          -France

          Haruki Murakami                                                -Japan

 This activity was also an amalgamation of art and literature wherein the students created a book cover based on the famous writer allotted to them and a presentation was taken in classes where the children enacted the stories,gave summary or biography of the writer’s in their own way.

 In a nutshell, the panorama of interesting and knowledge filled activities to facilitate the effective learning and participation of maximum number of students was organized.

Discussion on Book covers

Preparation of Book covers

Presentation on Book covers


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"All I know is just what I read in the papers, and that’s an alibi for my ignorance. ~ Will Rogers "